William’s Recent Paintings, Shine & Living Hope

William’s Recent Paintings, Shine & Living Hope

William recently completed two powerful paintings entitled Shine (acrylic on wooden panel – 4’ x 5’) and Living Hope (acrylic on artist panel – 4’ x 4’). We pray this artwork blesses and encourages you, and please know these paintings are available for purchase.

We are honored as the incredible Msgr. Michael Mannion (Father Mike) invited us to bring these paintings to be featured at an important event at St. Mary Magdalen Church in Media, PA. Dr. Alveda King (the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – it was an honor to meet her) gave a special and inspiring presentation, and we were humbled as we were asked to address all attending and to speak about the paintings.

We are grateful for the tremendous heart of Father Mike who recently celebrated 50 years of service. His work and ministries are positively transforming the lives of families in Camden and throughout the region. For more information, please view: www.dmi-nj.org