02 May William’s Recent Paintings – Renewal 1, 2 & 3 – (Malibu), CA
William recently created three (3) new paintings en plein air as we were at a campsite in Malibu (Los Angeles), CA! We pray this artwork blesses and encourages you!
William’s new paintings are entitled: Renewal 1, 2, and 3.
Each painting is 12” x 24” – acrylic on canvas.
Each painting is priced at $1,500.
Renewal 1 is sold; we are thrilled and honored by this purchase!
Renewal 2 and 3 are still available! Please contact us if you would like to purchase this art.
To view a short video (a little over 2 minutes) of William sharing more about these new paintings on the making of and the meaning of each artwork:
This lovely area in Malibu was tragically destroyed by wildfires only a few years ago. Yet now these cliffs and hills are bursting forth in new life and beauty. What a story of God’s renewal (hence the title of this artwork)!
Also, please know William applied the paint to these new paintings with found objects from the Pacific Ocean (such as branches of palm and palm skins for brushes). He also used water from the Pacific Ocean as well as the Coral Creek Canyon.
To view William’s original paintings, please visit our website: https://thomaslift.com/studio/
To purchase artwork or to commission William to create a painting, please contact us. Thank you.